
Hello and welcome! I am a writer and aspiring author with a Jedi Master degree in library science. As such, I daylight as a youth librarian and spend my free time furiously writing YA stories of all kinds.

I wrote my first word-document story when I was 10; it was called the Magical Rock, and I still have it somewhere. I started writing from the moment I could hold a pencil and I haven’t stopped since. I’ve “finished” over 20 projects, but most will never see the light of day. Currently, I’m finishing up a futuristic speculative fiction book about car racing and empires that will soon hit the query trenches.

If you want to know more about what else is rattling around in my brain and on paper, check out my WHAT I’M WRITING tab or visit my contact page for social media links. For now, here are a few random realities about yours truly:

  • I could eat only potatoes for the rest of my life and be totally fine.
  • I went to college in California, spent a semester in the United Kingdom, never seen anything more beautiful than Scotland, have friends and family from all over the United States and the world, and have been to Canada and 20 states including Hawaii, but the Midwest will always be home.
  • I took a self defense class that taught some aikido and it was one of the best things I ever did for writing research.
  • It’s hard to come up with interesting facts!
  • My favorite season is spring, which is unfortunate because where I live we get about two weeks of it.
  • A brown recluse spider bit me when I was 12 years old. Do not recommend.
  • I play three instruments and wish I played more.
  • I love coffee with copious amounts of cream and sugar. Tea is the sick man’s drink.
  • I have many favorite movies, but the ones I can and do watch over and over again include Ever After, Mulan, The Lord of the Rings, the Emperor’s New Groove, the Princess Diaries, and the live-action Aladdin.
  • My favorite book is Ella Enchanted, and the Eragon books made me truly want to be a writer.
  • 1 Timothy 1:15 is my favorite Bible verse—“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.”